Food security in Muhura
January 2023
Food security in Muhura

Funded by 8x1000 Italian Government (FM-243/2020)

Duration: 3 years (november 2022 -november 2025)

General objective: to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the vulnerable population in Gatsibo District, Rwanda 

Specific objective: to improve the nutritional situation of children aged 0 to 5 and their families in the Muhura Sector, through an integrated approach between the agricultural/agro-pastoral and health sectors 


Direct: 7516  

Indirect: 29.568  


Rwanda Farmers Federation – IMBARAGA, Congregazione Suore Oblate Dello Spirito Santo –Muhura Health Centre 


The malnutrition treatment system in Rwanda provides for periodic screening at the Health Centres: children who are in the red band (acute malnutrition) or yellow band (moderate malnutrition) are hospitalized and supported with foods with a high nutritional value. This system, effective in some contexts, is not effective in the long term in the community of Muhura, so much so that on average only 1 out of 3 families with a malnourished child/at risk of malnutrition addresses and/or keeps the relationship constant during the treatment with the Health Centre, and the cases of recurrence (children leaving the yellow/red bands who return after a certain period of time) are around 10.7%. This above all for logistical reasons, since the territory of competence of the health centre covers distances of even more than 20 km and the furthest families hardly have the possibility of constantly attending the centre, which in turn does not currently have the resources for frequent home visits. According to the latest annual report from the Muhura Health Centre, 1 in 3 children under the age of 5 are malnourished. 


  • Construction/rehabilitation of 2 strategically located feeding centres with community kitchens 
  • Implementation of 4 annual training courses on improved agricultural techniques 
  • Construction of 150 kitchen gardens entrusted to the most vulnerable families 
  • Distribution of 400 farmyard animals for the most vulnerable families 
  • Carrying out of 30 meetings with about 30-40 participants each dedicated to vulnerable families involved in the other project activities, with the aim of improving the quality of food and optimizing the products available with respect to the nutritional needs of the family